
Događaji, Novosti

AO Recon Course—Complex Total Hip and Knee Arthroplasty, 05.07.-06.07.2024., Zagreb

Poštovane kolegice i kolege, obavještavamo Vas da se od 05.07.-06.07.2024. održava “AO Recon Course—Complex Total Hip and Knee Arthroplasty” u Zagrebu. Više informacija o tečaju na sljedećem linku: ————————————————————- Goal The AO Recon Course—Complex Total Hip and Knee Arthroplasty teaches current concepts in the treatment of patients with a need for revision or complex primary arthroplasty in the hip…read more
Događaji, Novosti

NAJAVA: AO Trauma tečajevi i seminari – Zagreb, 02.-04.11.2023.

Poštovane kolegice i kolege, obavještavamo Vas da se od 02.11. do 04.11.2023. u Zagrebu održavaju AO Trauma tečajevi i seminari. Sljedeći tečajevi i seminari biti će održani: AO Trauma Course—Basic Principles of Fracture Management, 02.11.-04.11.2023. – prijava putem sljedećeg linkaAO Trauma Course—Managing Pediatric Fractures, 02.11.-03.11.2023. – prijava putem sljedećeg linkaAO Trauma Seminar—Lower Extremity Fracture Management, 02.11.-04.11.2023. – prijava putem sljedećeg linkaAO…read more
Događaji, Novosti

AO Recon Course—Principles of Total Hip and Knee Arthroplasty, 26.10.-27.10.2023., Zagreb

Poštovane kolegice i kolege, obavještavamo Vas da se od 26.10.-27.10.2023. održava “AO Recon Course—Principles of Total Hip and Knee Arthroplasty” u Zagrebu. Više informacija o tečaju na sljedećem linku: Goal of the eventThe AO Recon Course—Principles of Total Hip and Knee Arthroplasty teaches fundamental principles and current concepts in the treatment of patients with a need for primary arthroplasty…read more