
Naslov: Kontakt – Hrvatsko traumatološko društvo – Solution to block spam messages

Poruka: Good evening people at htd.com.hr, Hope you’re well. I'm , I hope that customers are profitable and you’ve been doing well during the entire current situation. I assume that you need to possess a better blocker form unwanted emails, you'll need this place. http://k.merq.org/blockspam425088 In case you are not interested, simply ignore this message and that we won't email…read more

Naslov: Kontakt – Hrvatsko traumatološko društvo – Solution to block spam messages

Poruka: Good evening people at htd.com.hr, Hope you’re well. I'm , I hope that customers are profitable and you’ve been doing well during the entire current situation. I assume that you need to possess a better blocker form unwanted emails, you'll need this place. http://k.merq.org/blockspam425088 In case you are not interested, simply ignore this message and that we won't email…read more
Događaji, Novosti

08.12.2020. Godišnji sastanak Upravnog odbora HTD-a HLZ

Poštovane kolegice i kolege, Ovim Vas putem obavještavam da je dana 8. prosinca 2020. godine održan godišnji sastanak UO HTD-a HLZ. Sastanak je zbog specifične zdravstvene i društvene situacije održan preko platforme Zoom, jer se na žalost nismo mogli sastati u Slavonskom Brodu u većem broju  kako je bilo planirano, no nadamo se da ćemo tamo održati naš godišnji sastanak…read more